About Us

GYAN - The initials of our father and our mentor. Gyan means Knowledge, is the seed for creation and creation is the aspirations of all human endeavors. Knowledge never dies neither can it be deformed.It is immortal and its quest is the true path of salvation.

EINSTEIN - Albert Einstein, a German theoretical physicist, philosopher, author and educationist is a great source inspiration for all. He said "learn what you want, do not learn only for grades marks." He received the 1921 Nobel prize in Physics for Photoelectric Effect.

Gyan Einstein International School is a Co-Educational, Day and Residential school in Dehradun, which follows the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.

Special Features

Encouraging learning environment


It was established in 2016, the school runs classes from Play Group to Class XII in encouraging learning environment.

The school welcomes students from all over the world to develop and promote a truly diverse International Educational culture. Within a short span of time Gyan Einstein International School has made its mark among the best schools of the town.

The school understands the changing needs of education in the 21st century and takes on the challenge of giving the students varied learning experiences and opportunities to help them to be successful individuals.

Gyan Einstein International School

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